Monday, April 30, 2012

Let God shine his Light so you can shine yours.

     I'm sure just about everyone is familiar with the song This Little Light of Mine. Just as a refresher though it goes a little something like this:
This little light of mine,
I'm gonna let it shine.
This little light of mine,
I'm gonna let it shine.
This little light of mine,
I'm gonna let it shine.
Let it shine!
Let it shine!
Let it shine!
Hide it under a bushel? NO!
I'm gonna let it shine!
Don't let Satan blow it out,
I'm gonna let it shine!
Let it shine til Jesus comes,
I'm gonna let it shine!
All in my home,
I'm gonna let it shine.

     A very simple song, but one full of so much meaning. Our lives should be examples of Jesus's life and blood. Our bodies are a temple of God, there not our own, and should be treated as such. Day to day we should be reflecting God's love, peace, and kindness. One of my favorite songs is by Mali Music and is called Deep Blood Red. You can listen to it below, but my favorite verse says "so insight of embarrassment or rejection it didn't matter I could not be negligent or ignore this feeling I felt anymore. That's why deep blood red is all I see. Deep blood red is what I want to be. Oh how I'd shine Oh how proud I would be if when you saw me you would see deep blood red." Just think about that for a second......
     When people see you they shouldn't see the world there should be a separation, A CHANGE. Romans 6:4 says, "We were buried therefore with him by baptism into death, in order that, just as Christ was raised from the dead by the glory of the Father, we too might walk in newness of life." When you gave your life to the Lord he gave you eternal life, and made you new by washing all of your past sins away by way of the blood of Jesus. For God to care so much for us that he would make us new we should be willing to let our lives be our biggest evangelistic tool. An evangelistic tool that says, "Yes I have fallen short, Yes I was yet in my sin but God loved me so much that he accepted me into his family just the way I was. Yes I will fall short again, but he is making me new. He can do the same for you if you let him into your heart."
     People are watching, waiting, and listening for you to be an example of Gods Word or to relinquish your testimony. What do I mean by relinquish your testimony? Ephesians 4:26-27 says, "Be angry, and do not sin: do not let the sun go down on your wrath, nor give place to the devil." This means it's okay to have emotions of anger, fear, or to downright be upset, but it is not okay to sin. While your shining your light people are looking at you to see if you are truly genuine in this world full of so many phonies. Be careful of your actions and the way you are seen by people. How many times have you gone out with friends or family after church and seen Sister or Brother So and So cursing out their waitress or talking about all matters of ungodliness?
     Ephesians 5:8 says "for at one time you were darkness, but now you are light in the Lord. Walk as children of light." When we understand that we are God's children and he has brought us out of darkness then it can and will change the way we carry ourselves. When you were a child and went somewhere with your parents you were expected to carry yourself in a particular manner. I would be foolish to think I could ever go anywhere with my mother, get mad at the car in front of me in traffic, and then start cursing at the driver. Or be rude to my server because there weren't enough hot rolls on the bar due to the after church lunch rush.
     Maybe this isn't clear to you so I'm going to break it down a little more. Wherever I go all knowing all seeing God is there, MY FATHER. Just like any good parent his expectations are that when I leave the house, church, etc. that I act the same way I did when I was there or carry myself with some type of, as the old folks call it "home training." There should not be a at church you and a at work you. God is a ever present parent who is watching and guiding you to insure your day to day life lines up with his Word. That means you have to crack the good book open to get his Word down in your heart so that it can lead and guide you. Romans 12:2 says "And be not conformed to this world; but be ye transformed by the renewing of your mind, that ye may prove what is that good, and acceptable, and perfect, will of God." Each of us have some type of issue some areas in our lives that God is developing and renewing. When you renew your mind with the Word of God it pushes out those things that shouldn't be there. Light and darkness can not exist together. The Word of God is light and as it shines on the inside of you it lights up those dark corners placing light where darkness once lived. That light is perfecting your spirit. There will be tests to prove you faithful in the sight of God. Tests and trials help you grow and see where you have been delivered. There will be moments:
You have the option of displaying love or catch an attitude.
An option to be peaceful or give into someones attempt to get you mad and in a position to sin.
You attempt to fix a situation instead of putting it in Gods hands.
Giving into sexual desires rather than allowing God to keep you.
     Your tests will determine your desire to do God's will and sine Gods light in those dark closets of your heart. So that little light of yours let is shine when your at work, let it shine when your on a date with your new boo, let it shine while your out with friends, let it shine when your pushed to anger, let it shine, let it shine, let it shine.

God bless you,

Kiva Thompkins

Monday, April 23, 2012

There is a Testimony in Every Fall

So I have heard a lot of people commenting in regard to falling short of God and I wanted to address that school of thought....

     The world will always be ready to judge you and make a determination if you are a "REAL" Christian or not. Well God has a testimony for you in regards to each time you fall. Proverbs 24:16 says "a righteous man falls seven times and rises again, but the wicked are overthrown by calamity (AMP). What that means is that God knows we will fall down, or sin in some way, but in knowing that he sent Jesus. Jesus took our place on the cross. He bared the weight of all our sins, so we could simply say....."I have sinned Lord!!! Please forgive me and show me how to be strengthened where I have fallen short!!"
     God is so merciful and great that he had a plan long before we ever fell short. Jesus was that plan, and for that I am glad!! That scripture also means in order to be righteous we must fall. We are human, and sin is in us and around us, but our sincerely repenting of those sins allows God to strengthen us in those areas we are weak. As believers we must be willing to give it all to God. 
     What is "it all?" All of our sinful nature, all of our talents, all of our hurt, all of our pain, all of our concern, all of the areas in our life that stress reigns supreme, etc. etc. etc. Once you have the Holy Spirit inside of you God is able to cleans those areas in your life that aren't like him. We all have shadows of darkness in our lives, but God is the light that shines on those shadows allowing his righteousness to penetrate our hearts.
     Someone once told me that we go through things and fall short so that our life can glorify God. I believe that whole heartily. My life was full of hurt. I had two daughter without being married, and am I left to raise them alone. I have been talked about, judged based on my mistakes, and written off by individuals I thought cared about me the most. But despite my failures, God never left me!! His arms were opened, and he whole heartily welcomed me into his kingdom. God has the same love for you as well....
     If you have made a mistake, and fell short of his glory he is saying "It's OK!! I love you. I have the power to make you white as snow. Just let me into your heart, your life, and your mind." Psalms 56:13 says "For you have delivered my life from death, yes, and my feet from falling, that I may walk before God in the light of life and of the living" (AMP). This means by accepting God as your personal Savior you have been delivered from an eternal death. God will also keep you from falling in areas you give to him. Once again you have to be willing to give those issues over to him. Allow God to come into your life, blot out your failures, and use those experiences to testify of his goodness. 
     If I had never fallen I wouldn't know how good God is, and be able to passionately speak of the changes he has made in my life. This can be your testimony as well. Don't allow anyone to bring you down or make you feel less of a Christian because you made a mistake!! God plan for our mistakes.....if he didn't he would have never sent us Jesus!! A "REAL" Christian will make mistakes, they will grow, they will knock off the dead weight of pain, hurt, and disappointment, and they will become stronger in areas they were once weak. 
     You must fight the good fight of faith. This fight means you keep persevering toward Christ, no matter if you stumble. Our Christian journey is a LONG walk. Not run but WALK. Think about a time you had to walk a long distance, maybe a hike, amusement park, or marathon. Surely you can recall tripping on uneven terrain, feeling tired in your body, or even wanting to stop to rest. 
     WELL.....that is the same for your walk with God. We trip and stumble when we have rough uneven terrains in our day to day life. Those terrains can be finances, unexpected pregnancies, drugs, alcohol, etc. But despite that terrain we keep walking. If we should fall God has the ointment to heal any of our bruises and pain. All we have to do is ask him for it, and once applied any scares will disappear those areas of bruising will be like new. We feel tired in our walk as a result of fighting the enemy.We can combat that fatigue with praise. Psalms 51:10 says "Create in me a clean heart, O God, And renew a steadfast spirit within me (NKJV)." With our praise God can renew our spirit and give us the energy and steadfast, firm and unwavering, spirit to keep moving despite our moments of being weary. We will have times when we have no energy and feel we can not walk on but God...Let me say that again BUT GOD!!! He will renew our spirits and he will do this when we seek out his Word, going before him in our personal prayer time, and combating the devil with the Word of God. Before you know it you will be able to look back at the hills and valleys you have climbed, and see just how far you have come in the Lord. God can then allow you to help someone through their hills and valleys with the promise that you have already been through it, and you are still standing. Allow God to use your falls and stumbles to glorify him in your life and the life of others.

God Bless,

Kiva Thompkins