Wednesday, June 18, 2014

I'm Back

So let me start with.....heyyyyyyyy!! I have been through so many changes since I stopped blogging in August 2012: new job, failed relationship, feeling unworthy to speak about God, and oh yeah
a beautiful new baby girl. What I have been through in two years has humbled me, given my Christ focus new perspective, and allowed me to truly see God's grace. I want to share that with others. Giving up blogging was also because I didn't feel like I was impacting others. No one was viewing my blogs. Nothing was being affected, or so I THOUGHT. But the same words written to encourage others became my source of encouragement when I felt I had stray so far from God, and there was no coming back from that place. My words did for me what I was in essence trying to do for others.....they brought me back to Christ. With a renewed relationship with Christ, and a willingness to let my test and trials be an example for others I submit my words humbly to anyone willing to walk this journey of a Christ focused life with me. My blog will be my response to life's situations, maintaining a Christ focused existence rather then "Church" focused, humor, truth, and anything else God lays on my heart. No worries I'm not overly deep and unable to relate....those type of believers really grind my gears (but we will get into that later).

Feels good to be back!


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