Sunday, May 28, 2017

The "IF" Love....

If you [really] love Me, you will keep (obey) My commands.
John 14:15 AMP

Christ showed his love for the disciples by humbling himself and washing their feet. Afterwards, he explained how he would be betrayed and be denied despite his acts of humility and love. Jesus goes on to tell the disciples "If you love me, keep my commandments." The word "if" is a conjunction Merriam-Webster defines as in the event that, on condition that, allowing that, or on assumption that. A conjunction within a sentence shows an action or an instance of two or more events or things occurring
 at the same time. In John 14:15, "if" sets the foundation for two events to be illustrated by Christ. If ... or ...allowing that ... or ... on assumption that you ... or ... on the condition that you love Me (Christ), keep my commandments. The act of loving and keeping are events that are happening at the same time.
When you love something you care for that something. When you love someone you naturally want to be around them, you desire a deeper understanding of them, and out of that connection you develop a intimate relationship with that person. Think about someone you have their best interest at heart. The things they like you take an interest in because it allows you to spend more time with them. Well Jesus is no different! When you have a relationship with Christ you read his Word. Why??? You desire to know him more to understand what he wants of you (meditate). When you see yourself through him you talk to him you make him a part of your day (pray). You begin to want what he wants for you (purpose). Seeking him becomes a thirst you have to quench with him.

Your relationship becomes individual. It's unique because our purpose is unique. Your relationship with your parents is different than the relationship with your coworkers or even your children. Through their eyes you are seen different. Well this is the same with Jesus....
When you experience Christ's love...
When you see yourself through his eyes...
When you come out on the other side of pain and trials understanding your purpose and that God's grace is sufficient...
When you understand He placed the stars in the sky, but still values an intimate, foot washing, head to bosom relationship with YOU...
You keep his commandments because honoring him with your life expresses the extend of your love...
You receive correction through his Word and allow him to be the potter and you the clay. Him massaging out your imperfections...
You allow him to speak to your heart and shine his Light on the dark, hurt-filled, sin-riddled areas of you...
You love him...your love is a is something you show with your life.
IF you LOVE Me (Christ) = Keep my Commandments
It is not Christ being forceful. It is Christ saying if you love me, if you fall in love with my grace, my goodness, my never changing favor. If you experience a personal experience with Me....When you experience Me pursues you, when I run after you when you aren't worried about Me and I still make it my mission to draw you closer to KEEP my commandments in expression of your love for Me. Our relationship is no longer a casual exchange of "if you get me out of this" and Amen's its personal...intimate...REAL!
Love and Keep him today....

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