Thursday, May 31, 2012

A Virtuous Woman's Checklist

     A virtuous woman is a woman of spirit, who has command of her own spirit and knows how to manage other people as well as her household. A woman of strength. Though woman are considered the weaker sex a virtuous woman is strengthened by wisdom, grace, and the fear of God.

This quick checklist is designed as a tool to take a inventory of yourself and where you are in reflection of Proverbs 31:10-31. 

1.) Verse 11 The heart of her husband safely trusts her; So he will have no lack of gain.

     Do you conduct yourself so that your husband/ God is confident that you will act accordingly in all your affairs. Understand that if you are single God is your husband! Isaiah 54:5 says, "For your Maker is your husband, The Lord of hosts is His name; And your Redeemer is the Holy One of Israel; He is called the God of the whole earth." How do you carry yourself day to day? Is it in a manner that a husband would trust your fidelity and intentions?

2.) Verse 12 She does him good and not evil All the days of her life.

     Do you do your husband/ God good everyday? Or is it when your in a good mood, some days, or every now and then. Is home a peaceful one or are you naggy at times? Do you give your husband/ God endearing words or do you wait for him to be the first to say something?

3.) Verse 15 She also rises while it is yet night, And provides food for her household, And a portion for her maidservants.

     Do you rise early to maintain your home or are you sleeping in from a long night of clubbing, dancing, gabbling, playing bingo, playing cards with friends, etc? What steps are you taking to maintain your household verses the steps you take to stay fresh to death and on the scene??

4.) Verse 19 She stretches out her hands to the distaff, And her hand holds the spindle.

     Are you working to contribute to your household? Are you working for God's household? Saving souls, volunteering at church, studying the Word? When was the last time you put in work for your household, community, and church?

5.) Verse 21 She is not afraid of snow for her household, For all her household is clothed with scarlet.

     Do you anticipate the cold of life? Is your family prepared for a season of change? Are you saving for your families future or are you squandering all of your money on possessions? What plans does your household have for the future?

6.) Verse 25 Strength and honor are her clothing; She shall rejoice in time to come.

     Do you clothe yourself with strength and honor? Does your appearance express wisdom or confidence in a uncertain future? Or do you look thrown together? What does your outward appearance say about you and your spiritual journey?

7.) Verse 27 She watches over the ways of her household, And does not eat the bread of idleness.

     Do you manage your household? Do you just let things be what they are? Are you idle watching TV when there is laundry or dished to be washed? Can your husband count on coming home to clean home and prepared meal? 

8.) Verse 28 Her children rise up and call her blessed; Her husband also, and he praises her;

     Are you earning the respect of your husband and children? Do you do the things you entrust them not to do? Are you a hypocrite in your home?

Charm, beauty, a cute body, nice hair------> they fade but God's grace, a fear of God, peace shall be praised and rewarded. Really take a inventory of your actions they reflect a virtuous woman?? God has the ability to take those areas of opportunity and make them virtuous if you acknowledge his desires for the woman of God.

God bless you!!!


Sunday, May 27, 2012

YOLO for God!!!!

     So there is a popular song talking about living life to the fullest each day, doing what you please, and throwing caution to the wind. The song is called YOLO=You Only Live Once. I actually started hearing people talking about YOLO this and YOLO that. I had to do my research by listening to this song performed by rap artists Drake and Lil Wayne. Hmmmm.....YOLO huh??
     I have always heard people say be thankful for another day because tomorrow isn't guaranteed. Well last week I lost a close friend in a car accident, and it changed my perspective concerning life and death. See I was still looking at my waking up each morning through "worldly" goggles. The world says you plan for tomorrow expecting it is a guarantee, but it is by God's grace that we wake to see another day. No one truly knows there life expectancy. You can eat the correct calorie intake, run 5 miles a day, not drink alcohol or smoke, but if God sees fit your life can conclude the next day.
     Psalms 119: 77 says, " Let they tender mercies come unto me, that I may live: for thy law is my delight." We never know when our time is up so if we are going to live it up it should be by way of God's law written in his Word. When we live according to the Word of God he is able to pour out his mercies in our lives. God's mercy is what gives us an abundant life. If we do not allow God to rain his tender mercies on us we are not really living. When we submit ourselves to the will of God he can move in our lives and give us a life of abundance orchestrated by him. Psalms 37:4 makes reference to this abundant life by saying "Delight thyself also in the Lord; and he shall give thee the desires of thine heart." We shouldn't be delighted in the worlds fly by the seat of your paints lifestyle if God isn't in the mix. When we delight ourselves in God daily by worshipping him with our time, talent, and treasures it shows God he is a necessity in our life. Then he can give us the desires of our heart. God doesn't want to be common placed in our lives. He wants to know that he can abide in us because we have taken the necessary steps to abide in him.What are the necessary steps? Accepting Christ as the substitution for our sins, spending time in the presence of God, praying, reading the Bible.....relationship building!!
     God can give us a life far more spectacular and blessed then we can make for ourselves. He can pour out blessing in our lives that make these stereotypical music videos look like amateur cinematography.
     So Yes: You only live once but if you are going to live, live with a purpose, live with a plan! Jeremiah 29:11 makes clear that God has a plan for each of our lives this plan is to prosper us and not to harm us. If we YOLO for Christ we make the declaration for God I live and for God I die. We declare God is a necessary component in our lives and we are lost without him. We walk believing God directs our path, and he can and will prosper us. We walk knowing this life we live on earth if lived right will secure a eternal life in heaven. You only have the opportunity to live once for Christ....there will be a day of judgement when we must give an account of our lives and actions. That account can be a walk with God giving you access to eternal life in heaven or that account can be a walk of nonacceptance of God's law which leads to a eternity in Hell. Yeah some preachers, teachers, and churches want you to believe God is "only" a God of love, but truthfully God has given all of us the opportunity to accept Christ. If we chose not to the consequences is eternal death in the fiery lakes of Hell.
     So if you are going to scream YOLO let it be for Christ. Let it be a declaration that we only live once and we want that life to be reflective of God. So I boldly say I live for Christ despite my circumstances, opposition, lies, and life's ups and downs.

YOLO for Christ!!!!

Kiva Thompkins

Wednesday, May 23, 2012

Faith overrides your feelings!!

     Hebrews 11:1 is a definitive verse that states "Now faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen." But what does that really mean?? 
     Emotions are a contingency of being human. We will always experience feelings of sadness, loneliness, hurt, pain, insecurity, fear, anxiety, etc. But one thing we have to understand is that we shouldn't be controlled solely by our emotions. Emotions are constantly changing. We may feel someone is upset with us, but their not. We might feel lonely because we have no significant other, but we aren't because God is our mate. We might feel insecurities because of a upcoming bill that we have no earthly way of paying. It is not my attempt to act as if these emotions don't exist, but to accept these feelings without allowing them to get you off your spiritual walk.
     The enemy can use our feelings to allow us to take our eyes off God and focus only on our circumstances. Psalms 119:165 says "Great peace have those who love your law, and nothing causes them to stumble." We have to have peace, and peace is a state of untroubled tranquility, or a state of harmony or contentment with God. Peace says despite what goes on around me or how I feel I choose to focus on God. The Bible says to cast your cares upon God. God doesn't want us to get distracted by anything that will allow us to stop worshipping him. He wants to be your provider, your battle fighter, and protector. Our feelings can serve as a distraction! Feelings are just that a feeling. We must become dependent on our faith. Faith says no matter what I see or feel God is in control and will take care of everything.
     Romans 10:17 says, "so then faith comes by hearing, and hearing by the word of God." This scripture is emphasising our need to get the Word of God inside of us as it waters our faith. Hearing the Word of God allows us to get it inside of us. By getting the Word inside of us we can focus on him and not the feelings associated with our circumstances. II Corinthians 12:9 says "And He said to me, My grace is sufficient for you, for My strength is made perfect in weakness. Therefore most gladly I will rather boast in my infirmities, that the power of Christ may rest upon me."
     When I can't seem to make ends meet I boast of the power of Christ. When I am feeling lonely and want a companion I boast of the power of Christ. When my friends turn their back on me or people lie on me I boast of the power of Christ. So what I am saying is rather than let my feeling dictate my mood, and get me in a place of depression I thank God that his Grace is all that I need. Why?? Because God's Grace provides for me, comforts me, keeps me safe, and keeps me as a whole. My feelings say "Oh whoa is me! I will never get so and so!" but my faith says by the grace of God my needs and wants are fulfilled.
     Practice your faith when your feelings try to bring you down. Abide in God's perfect peace because there you will find his grace and blessings. My favorite thing to say when I am sad, lonely, or upset is "Lord I know its not about my feelings, but about my faith. I believe you are working things out so I don't need to focus on my circumstances."

Thank god for His Grace!

Kiva Thompkins

Sunday, May 13, 2012

Sex ain't better then God!

     Okay allow me the opportunity to vent just a little because I am seeing this craziness around me that I have to comment on.....
     Our bodies are a temple of God! We do not belong to ourselves. We have to remember that we were bought with a price. I'm not talking a few dollars I am talking a life. Jesus gave his life that we may have an eternal existence. This is evident in I Corinthians 6:19-20. "Or do you not know that your body is the temple of the Holy Spirit who is in you, whom you have from God, and you are not your own? For you were bought at a price; therefore glorify God in your body and in your spirit, which are Gods." 
     When I finally decided I was going to do things God's way I thought the hardest thing I would have to give up would be sex. I will be honest with you I couldn't imagine not having sex. I had been conditioned to the worlds way of thinking, in which sex was not specially designated for marriage. I believed I would never have a successful relationship if it were not apart of it because every guy I came in contact with would flee when they found out I was not going to give myself to them. Completely ridiculous way of thinking, but I want to be honest so that God can get the glory out of my life.
     Well I wanted my relationship with God to be a serious one. I didn't want anything or anyone to get in the way of me truly getting to know the Lord. If there was a sin that prohibited me from being close to God then I wanted no part of it. So I prayed and asked God that he keep me. Though I was not convinced in my mind I pressed forward in faith that God would change my thoughts. The first month or so having made that decision I slipped, and had sex. I felt so bad, and for the first time had been convicted in my heart by God. After that feeling I knew that the Holy Spirit I read about in the Bible and heard people talk about was indeed real. I could feel him on the inside of me correcting my heart where I had fallen short, and that gave me joy! Never again, despite my falling short never again. At that point I felt I owed it to God because of the way he was pursuing me since I began to pursue him. So two plus years later God is still keeping me....AMEN!!!
     I am criticized for being celibate, and people make statement that I will be single forever unless I relax my standards or that I can't honestly expect someone to buy the car without test driving. LOL! Well yes I do expect the husband that God has for me to wait because that is the way God willed it in his Word. I used to get upset, but now I think its comical the way the devil uses people. I Corinthians 10:13 says, "So, whatever you eat or drink, or whatever you do, do all to the glory of God." It doesn't glorify God to have sex with random people who have not established as much as a commitment with you. I have standards for myself and take my walk with God very seriously. I know the value of my existence through Christ. We have to set standard for our lives and this comes by way of knowing your worth. We are worth so much to God, and he proved that with Jesus's life. I'm better then defiling my body with fornication, I deserve to be pursued as God pursued me. I require a marital commitment before allowing someone to make their way into my bed.
     I am standing on a promise that if I honor God with my life and my body, he has a husband for me. I don't get upset when a guy stops pursuing me because I'm celibate that just lets me know its not my good and perfect thing sent from God. Just imagine being pursued by a truly fantastic person only to be dismissed because of your unwillingness to live contrary to the word or God. That just means that the person God has for you is more fantastic then the one who walked away! That is intriguing and keeps me faithful to that God has someone just for me set aside for the right season. My desire is to do only God's will and I have a promise that God has established a plan to prosper me and give me the desires of my heart. Jeremiah 29:11 makes clear this plan by saying, "For I know the plans I have for you,' declared the Lord, "Plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future." 
     My prayer is that you do not feed into the trick of the enemy. He wants you to believe its cool to have sex without a commitment of marriage. I'm sorry if I step on any toes, but there is nothing cool about sin or going to Hell. We have to make a decision. Give our whole life and body over to God so that he can deliver us from our sin or make a bed in Hell. Place value on your body! You deserve a commitment its not stuck up to require one.

Don't let the devil trap you up with what people say about your decision to abstain from sex. Stand boldly on God's promise that when you are faithful to his Word, he will pour out blessings in your life.

Your worth the wait!

Kiva Thompkins
Remember to follow me on Twitter @ksweet84

Friday, May 11, 2012

A Detox: From the World

     I'm sure you have heard of the concept of detoxification. To detox is ridding yourself of an intoxicating or addictive substance. In order to be intoxicated one must be excited or stupefied by some substance, generally drugs or alcohol, that is marked by a lack of physical or mental control. Like intoxication, addiction is characterized by the attachment to some form of substance. An addiction is a compulsive need for and use of a habit forming substance characterized by tolerance and by well-defined withdrawal. If you are persistently using some form of substance it becomes apparent physically, psychologically, or socially.

This is not a prelude to a episode of Intervention, but it lays the foundation of how a detox works.

     As humans we are raised in the world and when we make the decision to give Christ our lives we must detox ourselves from the worlds way of thinking and acting. II Corinthians 6:17 boldly states "Wherefore come out from among them, and be ye separate, saith the Lord, and touch not the unclean thing; and I will receive you." God wants us to detoxify ourselves from sin. Separate ourselves from those things of the world that cause sin to rise in our fleshly bodies. When we made a declaration of salvation it didn't spill over into everything else in our lives. We still have fowl mouths friends, those taking part in sexually immoral acts, gossipers, catty talkers, and so many other things. We have to make the decision to separate ourselves from those things not of Christ, and things that do not edify God. If your around gossipers, drinkers, and sexually explicit people we are in a position of being tempted by those things we have made a decision to be free from.
     Before I was saved I drank, and I mean I drank LOL!!! It was my hobby. When I decided to give God my life the tendency to drink was still there. I had to separate myself from my partying friends, stop going places were alcohol was prevalent, and honestly give that area of weakness to God so I could be delivered. Praise God I was, but it took me detoxing myself from those people, places, and things that tempted me and fed my fleshes desires.
     All of us have issues, and ways that we can attribute to being apart of the world. So because I wanted to be whole and filled with God's love I began to read the Word, and welcome God in to my life. As I began to do that more and more the things I once enjoyed doing I didn't enjoy anymore, the places I used to go I did not have a desire to go to anymore, and I saw this change in every part of my life. I became celibate when I hit rock bottom so I made sure not to entertain music, television or any other portal that broadcasts Sex, Sex, Sex. I stopped watching many of my favorite TV shows that depicted drama, gossiping, fighting, and other things that didn't glorify God. The more I got the Word in me the less I desired things not of God.
     Proverbs 4:23 makes clear an important concept of detoxification It says, "Above all else, guard your heart, for from it flows the issues of life." This means that we have to protect our heart from things not of God because from our hearts flows all the issues of fornication, blasphemy, drinking, doing drugs, etc etc etc. To maintain a life pleasing to God we must guard ourselves from those things that do not represent God. Though we are apart of the kingdom of God we are still flesh, and flesh has sinful tendencies. We must be mindful to not feed into these tendencies or give them a opportunity to grow.  The key to a successful detox is to eat and drink only the things prescribed to you. Jesus directions for our Christian detox is found in I Corinthians 11: 23-26. Jesus says to "take, eat; this is My body which is broken for you; do this in remembrance of me" and then says "This cup is the new covenant in MY blood. This do, as often as you drink it, in remembrance of Me."
     So what does this detox call for? Because we were once of this world we became conditioned to do things of the world. We were intoxicated with sin and selfish desires. Sin was our substance of choice. Sin caused us to form habits that were apparent physically, psychologically, and socially. We drank, had sex outside of marriage, smoked, cursed, coveted our neighbors belongings, and disregarded everyone but ourselves. We were addicts of the worlds system!!
     And then God shined his light in our lives in the way of a spiritual "Intervention." God said come out and separate yourself from the world. Aspire to be like Christ. God then gave us a detox diet by way of the Holy Bible and Christ's life. The instructions were to eat and drink life by way of Jesus broken body and blood shed. As a result we begin to be sober in the Spirit. Those things we once participated in no longer were appetizing because we had a new diet. We began to shed pounds of pain, sorrow, failure, guilt, sexual desires, and many other things that flowed from our hearts. Food like cursing, fornicating, lying, stealing, and gossiping our hearts spew out because we no longer have a appetite for these things.
     Its up to us to detox ourselves! We must be mindful of the things we are around, listen to, and allow to make their way from our minds to our hearts. We MUST guard our hearts to prevent a relapse into addiction. If you struggle with fornication no late nights at your boo's house, if you drank a lot steer clear of the bar! We must do our part to adhere to the detox diet God has created for each of us. When we do this our taste buds will change, and we will become more aware of those things that don't edify God.

God Bless you is my continuous prayer!

Kiva Thompkins
Please remember to follow me on Twitter @ksweet84

Tuesday, May 8, 2012

Commit to a Relationship with God

     This is for my single ladies and gentlemen. God wants you to pursue him, allow him to be the head of your life, and then he will bless you with his very best. Matthew 6:33 says, "But seek ye first the kingdom of God, and his righteousness; and all these things shall be added unto you." This means before we seek fortune, fame, a new car, a new house, impure relationships, etc. We should first seek a genuine relationship with God. How do we do this?? By accepting Jesus as our personal Savior as he gave his life in order for ours to be eternal. Once you accept Christ, God can come into your heart. When your desire becomes to please God with your life, your body, your heart, your everything then God can bless your life. If God doesn't know you will honestly place him first in your life then how can you honestly expect him to bless you with a mate??

Begin to commit to a relationship with God. Begin to date Christ. How can you date Christ??
  • Spend time talking to him.
  • Allow him to be your sole provider.
  • Allow him to protect you from danger.
  • Profess him as your own.
     Think back to a time when you were in a relationship.You and that person were stuck together like glue...late night conversations, a eagerness to learn their likes/ dislikes, a desire to be protected/ safe, a open heart, a willingness to change for the bettering of the relationship. Sounds familiar?? Well it is the same with God. Isaiah 54:5 says, "For your Maker is your husband, The Lord of hosts is His name; And your Redeemer is the Holy one of Israel; He is called the God of the whole earth." DEEP!!!!
     I have the best late night conversation with God there I can pour out my heart to him. I search God's Word eager to find the things God is pleased and displeased with. I know that no weapon formed against me shall prosper because God is protecting me from harm and danger. My heart is open to God because he has been a constant force in my life even when I did not recognize him. And because I have opened my heart to God, and am constantly finding things not of him I welcome change in my life. I yearn to be righteous and found faithful in the sight of God.
     God wants to be your "soul" mate! He is your redeemer!!! When you begin to draw closer to God, spend time with him, and talk to him just as he was your companion then things will change. He will find you faithful, and bless you with his good and perfect thing (husband or wife) he made specifically for you. This is something you have to get a hold to and be relentless with. God is selfish when it comes to his relationship with us. And rightfully so because we were bought with a price, his son Jesus Christ. I can not imagine giving either of my daughters so that other people could have a abundant life, and watch as they make me last in their lives and choose the world/ sin over me. Not gonna happen, which gives you a idea of God's enduring mercy.
     I didn't know love prior to giving God my life, but I took the steps to let him into my heart. These things that I am saying aren't areas in my life that I don't also follow. I am not married, but I know my husband is out there. When God sees fit he will bless me with that person. But until God does I have made him my all. When I am upset, I talk to him. When I wake up in the morning instead of rolling over and saying good morning to a husband I say good morning to him. When I am in need of something, I ask God because as a good husband he provides. When I am alone I talk to God, and meditate on his Word and this comforts me just as if he was rocking me in his arms.
     Allow God to be your companion. Welcome him into your heart. He is a gentlemen, so he wants to be asked in his will never barge in on you. Show yourself faithful to have that companion God has for you.

God bless you,

Kiva Thompkins
Remember to follow me on Twitter @ksweet84

Monday, May 7, 2012

Working the Word!!!

         Remember the concept of light and darkness. Darkness cannot exist where there is light. I say that to say the Word of God is the light in darkness. As I look around I see all matters of darkness: senseless murders, sexual immorality, selfish desires exalted above God, etc. etc. The Word of God is the Light that directs our paths in a world so full of darkness. Psalms 119:105 declares "Thy Word is a lamp unto my feet, and a light unto my path." David started earlier in verse 101 by saying he walked restraining his feet from every evil way. The Word of God is a light that directs each of our paths, a map of sorts. With the Word we can speak healing, prosperity, and abundance in our lives. In order to do this we must follow the Light of the Word that permeates the darkness of sin that surrounds us in our daily walk. When you get the Word inside of you you can speak to your circumstances and they will change. We speak to our circumstance by humbly praying to God that the Word manifest itself in our lives. To humble yourself is to be modest in behavior, attitude, or spirit; not arrogant or prideful. 
     As we begin to read and meditate on God's Word we see areas we are weak, and are able to allow deliverance into our hearts. The Word shines a light on the dark areas in our hearts, and renews our minds. II Chronicles 7:14 states that "if My people who are called by My name will humble themselves, and pray and seek My face and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from heaven, and will forgive their sins and heal their land." God is asking for our humble prayers and our decision to walk aligned with his Word. When we do this and speak the Word into our lives we can be healed, we can prosper, and we can have our wants and needs met. 

Yes wants as well. The Lord is our Sheppard we shall not want right??? EXACTLY!!!

So how do we work the Word?

  1. Get it inside of us! Read the Word, meditate on it, and commit it to our hearts memory.
  2. Humbly bring your petitions before God. God is with us at all times. Treat him as a companion, and just have a conversation with him.
  3. While petitioning God, put him in remembrance of his Word and promises. Isaiah 43:26 says "Put me in remembrance; Let us contend together; state your case, that you may be acquitted."
  4. Count your prayers as done. This is where our faith must take hold. God is our father. When we ask our parents for something and they say yes we don't keep asking right?? How do we know God said yes you ask?? II Corinthians 1:20 says "For all the promises of God in him are yea, and in him Amen, unto the glory of God by us."

     So get the Word deep in your heart. Let it be the light that guides you through this dark and sinful world. Humbly pray unto God. Put God in remembrance of his Word. Count your prayers as done through the exercising of your faith.

     When you have done all of those things start thanking him then. Thank him that he is orchestrating the manifestation of your earnest prayers. I am glad about it and take joy in knowing God hears my prayers and is working things out for my good. 

     Keep in mind something I love to say...God's Word is a map. If we follow it we will be immensely blessed. Who needs Google maps when you've got God?

As always God bless you all,

Kiva Thompkins
Follow me on Twitter @ksweet84

Real Love Comes Only Through Christ!!

     We must be delivered from past hurt and pain before we are truly receptive to the mate God wants to place in our lives. God wants our hearts, and you can trust that he handles it with care.

So let me give a little of my testimony so you can see how far God can bring you:

     I was always looking for a man to complete me. A man to take me in his arms and say he loved me and refused to ever let me go. I thought a relationship was this "Magical thing" that would alleviate all the hurt and pain I had experienced and make me whole. As a result of this pattern of thought I settled for any guy who showed me attention, and invested myself sexually. Well sex was never intended for just anyone. Sex is a physical expression of love, and is only meant to be exercised via marriage. When you have sex with a person you create spiritual oneness with that person, which is the reason it is meant for a union made by God. Without a Godly unity sex has the ability to cloud a persons judgement, allowing premature emotions to arise.
     So as you can imagine I fell prematurely in love with guys who were not God's best for me. I jumped from guy to guy to guy, and in the end found myself with a 3 year old daughter and 4 months pregnant with another. I was at my lowest point having been left by my "true love." I found out the person I had given my heart and linked my spirit with was only playing me. I was the other woman, and had not been asked permission to take up such a demeaning title! He stood in front of me and his girlfriend and denounced me and my growing seed. My world was broken or so I thought. I cried, and cried, and cried out to God asking him why he would allow me to experience such pain and loneliness.
     In my hurt and despair I made the decision....NEVER AGAIN!! I had been saved years prior, but backslid in a major way. I had come to the point where it was all God or nothing at all. I was not capable of being solely responsible for decision concerning my life and heart. My decisions were the reasons for my being is such a low position. I had to swallow that and ask God to take the lead. I made the decision to establish a relationship with God, to allow him to heal my heart, and show me what real love was. I gave my heart to God.

     See the relationship I had been looking for in men could only be found in Christ. My concept of a real relationship was correct the only issue was my focus was off. God's love is more then "magical" its eternal. With all the mistakes I had made, and the sins I committed against my body, God still loves and accepts me. Man's love is conditional, and is subject to emotions. Man can say he loves you on one day then denounce your existence in their life the next day.
BUT God's love.....
     I Corinthians 13:4-5 says "Love suffers long and is kind; love does not envy, love does not parade itself, is not puffed up; does not behave rudely, does not seek its own, is not provoked, thinks no evil." God's love suffers long because when I was yet in my sins God didn't give up on me as so many guys had done in the past. God's love was what I had been looking for all along. A love that says "I love you and I refuse to ever let you go." Not a "magical" thing, but a "perfect" thing that will alleviate all the hurt and pain. God's love is so precise that it has the power to make us WHOLE.
     The abundance of God's love will take all manners of pain, and make them only a memory. God's love took my old heart that no longer beat and transplanted a new one in its place. I no longer  feel pain when I think about my past. I count it as a blessing to have been through circumstances that placed me directly in the bosom of God.
     When you feel God's love, and see it working in your life you can't do anything but praise him. If your single let the love of Christ be what you strive for in a relationship. Develop your relationship with God, and he will show you the way you deserve to love and who you are in him. Wrap yourself up so much in God's love and allow him to be your partner until he blesses you with his good and perfect companion. Receive God's healing and direction so that your new in him. Allow God to minister to your heart, and strengthen you in relationship areas you are weak.
     I'm no longer plagued with my past hurt, pain, and guilt. I'm free and I attribute that whole heartily to Christ. Remember I John 4:19, "We love him, because he first loved us."

God Bless You All,

Kiva Thompkins
Remember to follow me on Twitter @ksweet84