Sunday, May 27, 2012

YOLO for God!!!!

     So there is a popular song talking about living life to the fullest each day, doing what you please, and throwing caution to the wind. The song is called YOLO=You Only Live Once. I actually started hearing people talking about YOLO this and YOLO that. I had to do my research by listening to this song performed by rap artists Drake and Lil Wayne. Hmmmm.....YOLO huh??
     I have always heard people say be thankful for another day because tomorrow isn't guaranteed. Well last week I lost a close friend in a car accident, and it changed my perspective concerning life and death. See I was still looking at my waking up each morning through "worldly" goggles. The world says you plan for tomorrow expecting it is a guarantee, but it is by God's grace that we wake to see another day. No one truly knows there life expectancy. You can eat the correct calorie intake, run 5 miles a day, not drink alcohol or smoke, but if God sees fit your life can conclude the next day.
     Psalms 119: 77 says, " Let they tender mercies come unto me, that I may live: for thy law is my delight." We never know when our time is up so if we are going to live it up it should be by way of God's law written in his Word. When we live according to the Word of God he is able to pour out his mercies in our lives. God's mercy is what gives us an abundant life. If we do not allow God to rain his tender mercies on us we are not really living. When we submit ourselves to the will of God he can move in our lives and give us a life of abundance orchestrated by him. Psalms 37:4 makes reference to this abundant life by saying "Delight thyself also in the Lord; and he shall give thee the desires of thine heart." We shouldn't be delighted in the worlds fly by the seat of your paints lifestyle if God isn't in the mix. When we delight ourselves in God daily by worshipping him with our time, talent, and treasures it shows God he is a necessity in our life. Then he can give us the desires of our heart. God doesn't want to be common placed in our lives. He wants to know that he can abide in us because we have taken the necessary steps to abide in him.What are the necessary steps? Accepting Christ as the substitution for our sins, spending time in the presence of God, praying, reading the Bible.....relationship building!!
     God can give us a life far more spectacular and blessed then we can make for ourselves. He can pour out blessing in our lives that make these stereotypical music videos look like amateur cinematography.
     So Yes: You only live once but if you are going to live, live with a purpose, live with a plan! Jeremiah 29:11 makes clear that God has a plan for each of our lives this plan is to prosper us and not to harm us. If we YOLO for Christ we make the declaration for God I live and for God I die. We declare God is a necessary component in our lives and we are lost without him. We walk believing God directs our path, and he can and will prosper us. We walk knowing this life we live on earth if lived right will secure a eternal life in heaven. You only have the opportunity to live once for Christ....there will be a day of judgement when we must give an account of our lives and actions. That account can be a walk with God giving you access to eternal life in heaven or that account can be a walk of nonacceptance of God's law which leads to a eternity in Hell. Yeah some preachers, teachers, and churches want you to believe God is "only" a God of love, but truthfully God has given all of us the opportunity to accept Christ. If we chose not to the consequences is eternal death in the fiery lakes of Hell.
     So if you are going to scream YOLO let it be for Christ. Let it be a declaration that we only live once and we want that life to be reflective of God. So I boldly say I live for Christ despite my circumstances, opposition, lies, and life's ups and downs.

YOLO for Christ!!!!

Kiva Thompkins

1 comment:

  1. Great stuff. YOLO for Christ I love it. I enjoyed the reading :-)
