Monday, May 7, 2012

Working the Word!!!

         Remember the concept of light and darkness. Darkness cannot exist where there is light. I say that to say the Word of God is the light in darkness. As I look around I see all matters of darkness: senseless murders, sexual immorality, selfish desires exalted above God, etc. etc. The Word of God is the Light that directs our paths in a world so full of darkness. Psalms 119:105 declares "Thy Word is a lamp unto my feet, and a light unto my path." David started earlier in verse 101 by saying he walked restraining his feet from every evil way. The Word of God is a light that directs each of our paths, a map of sorts. With the Word we can speak healing, prosperity, and abundance in our lives. In order to do this we must follow the Light of the Word that permeates the darkness of sin that surrounds us in our daily walk. When you get the Word inside of you you can speak to your circumstances and they will change. We speak to our circumstance by humbly praying to God that the Word manifest itself in our lives. To humble yourself is to be modest in behavior, attitude, or spirit; not arrogant or prideful. 
     As we begin to read and meditate on God's Word we see areas we are weak, and are able to allow deliverance into our hearts. The Word shines a light on the dark areas in our hearts, and renews our minds. II Chronicles 7:14 states that "if My people who are called by My name will humble themselves, and pray and seek My face and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from heaven, and will forgive their sins and heal their land." God is asking for our humble prayers and our decision to walk aligned with his Word. When we do this and speak the Word into our lives we can be healed, we can prosper, and we can have our wants and needs met. 

Yes wants as well. The Lord is our Sheppard we shall not want right??? EXACTLY!!!

So how do we work the Word?

  1. Get it inside of us! Read the Word, meditate on it, and commit it to our hearts memory.
  2. Humbly bring your petitions before God. God is with us at all times. Treat him as a companion, and just have a conversation with him.
  3. While petitioning God, put him in remembrance of his Word and promises. Isaiah 43:26 says "Put me in remembrance; Let us contend together; state your case, that you may be acquitted."
  4. Count your prayers as done. This is where our faith must take hold. God is our father. When we ask our parents for something and they say yes we don't keep asking right?? How do we know God said yes you ask?? II Corinthians 1:20 says "For all the promises of God in him are yea, and in him Amen, unto the glory of God by us."

     So get the Word deep in your heart. Let it be the light that guides you through this dark and sinful world. Humbly pray unto God. Put God in remembrance of his Word. Count your prayers as done through the exercising of your faith.

     When you have done all of those things start thanking him then. Thank him that he is orchestrating the manifestation of your earnest prayers. I am glad about it and take joy in knowing God hears my prayers and is working things out for my good. 

     Keep in mind something I love to say...God's Word is a map. If we follow it we will be immensely blessed. Who needs Google maps when you've got God?

As always God bless you all,

Kiva Thompkins
Follow me on Twitter @ksweet84

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